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  Some of the most well-known sites in Xian are:The city is surrounded by a well-preserved City wall of Xian which was re-constructed in the 14th century during the early Ming Dynasty and was based on the inner imperial palace of Tang Dynasty.

  The Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and his Terracotta Army are located 40 km to the east of the city centre,in the citys suburbs.The Bell Tower and Drum Tower,both are located at the citys central axis.The citys Muslim quarter,which is home to the Great Mosque of Xian.The Giant Wild Goose Pagoda and Small Wild Goose Pagoda are both spectacular towers and both are well over 1,000 years old and have survived great earthquakes.The former is next to a large square with the largest fountain in Asia which projects water high into the air,rising and falling in time to music during one of the daily performances (usually at noon and soon after sunset).They protected Buddhist writings in the past.The Stele Forest is famous for its numerous historic inscriptions and stoneworksThe Famen Temple and its towering pagoda located on the citys outskirtXi Ming TempleWolong Temple at Kaitong laneXingjiao Temple at Shaolin Yuan (where Xuanzangs Tomb lies)Jianfu TempleBlue Dragon TempleWangji TempleThe Banpo Neolithic village is located on the outskirt of the city properThe Qianling Mausoleum,one of the many Tang Dynasty era tombs located in XianThe Shaanxi History Museum has a large collection of artifacts both modern and ancient.Mount Hua is one of the most visited and steepest mountains in the countryMount Zhongnan (终南山)Mount TaibaiMount LiHuaqing Hot Springs (华清池),at the foot of Mt.Lishan,have a history of 6,000 years,the adjacent Huaqing Palace has a history of 3,000 years.

  Ranked among the Hundred Famous Gardens in China,it also has the status as a National Cultural Relic Protection Unit and a National Key Scenic Area.

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